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Dean’s Welcome Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you while visiting our website: the faculty of Engineering, Minia university.
The start of our faculty was in 1957 as a high industrial institute, then faculty of Engineering and
technology in 1976 with three departments: Mechanical, Chemical, and Buildings technology. Since
then, expansion has been going on till we have nine departments and two private programs. The faculty
of Engineering has been accredited by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation
for Education by the decision No. 133 in 22/9/2014. Now we have nine programs: Mechanical Power
Engineering and Energy, Production Engineering and Mechanical Design, Automotive and Tractors
Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering
(Power and Machines, Electronic and Communication), Computers Engineering and Systems, and
Biomedical Engineering. This is in addition to two private programs: Mechatronics and Industrial
programs. We have about 160 faculty members who obtain PhD degrees from all over the world: USA,
Canada, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Russia, India, Korea, China, and
Japan. Most are reviewers in international journals. The faculty has 2500 students for B.Sc. degree. The
faculty has been granting degrees of Diploma (two years), Master, and PhD degrees in all majors. We are
proud of our graduates and their achievement of success in our beloved country, EGYPT that deserves a
lot from us and in the Gulf area, but all over Europe and America. The faculty of Engineering is playing an
important role in serving community and environment development through center of engineering
consultation and production center. I wish you, visitors of our site, all the best in finding the information
you are looking for, and in knowing our faculty and its facilities hoping you leave a notice about your

Dean of the faculty,
Ramadan Bassiouny M. Khater, PhD