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Biomedical Engineering

about the department

Excellence and leadership in the field of medical engineering so that the department is a source of creative creators who are aware of their leading role in the development and technical development at the local and regional level through the introduction of the latest methods of teaching, learning and scientific research

The department Mission

providing future leaders with integrated scientific expertise, public and private knowledge and gaining application skills in the field of specialization to reach the global level so that they will be able to innovate, solve problems and develop scientific research on southern Egypt and all regions of the country.


- Preparing an engineer capable of applying mathematics, science and engineering concepts in solving engineering problems.
- Design a system, component or process to meet the required needs in the presence of realistic determinants.
- Design and conduct experiments as well as analysis and interpretation of results.
- Identify, formulate and solve basic engineering problems.
- Use appropriate engineering techniques, skills and tools necessary for the practice of engineering and project management.
- Work effectively within multidisciplinary groups.
- Communicate effectively and take into account the impact of engineering solutions on society and the environment.
- Demonstrate his knowledge of contemporary engineering issues.
- Demonstrate the tolerance of his professional and moral responsibilities and his understanding of what surrounds him
- Engage in lifelong self-education
- High ability to solve all electronic problems
- Health Project Management, Clinical Engineering and Quality in Health Hospitals are a bridge between doctor, medical equipment and health facility.
- Management of medical devices using the computer to keep up with the innovations of medical engineering Nano Technology Computer Electronics.